
Sunday, January 31, 2021

the road

Do you ever dream of doing something else?
Do you think of becoming a different person?

Perhaps people are not in the same boat although each of us belong to the same ocean.

Some people have the courage because they can tolerate failure.
Some people don't because it might be their last straw.

Some would take a leap knowing they are capable of doing a lot things.
While some only know to do a thing.


You have my highest respect for taking a new road. All the best and may Allah give the strength to charge forward.

You also have my earnest respect for being on the same road to take care of your family well being. May Allah give you the rewards.

To everyone who is struggling, remember that it is only for the moment and we will get through this. May Allah ease the pain. 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Dunia Mee Segera

Ramai di media sosial.
Mengaku pakar.
Pakar vaksin, pakar mental, pakar motivasi dan pakar agama.

Terkadang kita hairan.
Entah dari mana munculnya,
Mereka mengaku sebagai pakar motivasi.
Bila disemak kelayakan mula timbul keraguan.

Mudah pula orang kita percaya.
Diberi fakta panjang berjela mereka enggan baca.
Diberi infografik pun mereka tuduh semuanya agenda Yahudi.

Sana-sini mereka menggila.
Kita pula beri mereka perhatian yang diperlukan.
Baik atau buruk.
Akhirnya mereka tetap beruntung kerana kita yang beri mereka publisiti tersebut.

Tak cukup dengan itu.
Mereka semborono pula mengatakan kejahatan itu berlaku dengan izin Allah.
Lihatlah manusia.
Saat mereka diberi kebebasan. Mereka terus lupa.
Yang penting mereka dapat likes, retweet yang mereka perlukan.

Friday, January 29, 2021


it may sounds weird.
sometimes we feel worthless.
or maybe for some, they always feel it.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Pasar Jalan Othman

Berpagian di pasar.
Membeli barang keperluan.
Cuti awam sempena Thaipusam.

Pasar Jalan Othman Petaling Jaya.
Keadaannya sedikit lengang.
Susun atur lebih kemas.
Bau busuk juga terkawal.

Yang lebih menarik.
Hanya kelihatan warga tempatan yang berniaga.
Tiada lagi kelibat warga asing.

Siapa kata warga tempatan malas.
Sistem yang tiris jadi penghalang.
Lesen yang ada di ali baba ke warga asing
Penguasa pula pejam mata.

Pandemik ini ada banyak kesan.
Benar yang buruk itu lebih banyak.
Di sisi lain.
Ada perkara baik.

Siapa perosak sebenar Bumi?
Manusia atau Covid19?

Kenangan Pasar Jalan Othman.

Satu kenangan yang akan sentiasa terpahat.
Saya dikehendaki menjalani swab test kerana terdapat peniaga yang disahkan positif. 
Baru tahu erti pedih saat rongga hidung dan tekak diterobos. 
Susulan itu juga PKPD dilaksanakan di sekitar kawasan PJ Old Town.


I just realized that all photos in Facebook can be transferred seamlessly to Google Photos.
I've been thinking to delete that account for quite some times.
Yet, it treasures a lot of photos and memories.

So probably, this is the right time to step back from that social media.
Deactivating Facebook for now.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray 

I bought this toy in 2005 for my niece on my way back to Kedah.
I saw an old man was selling bunch of toys besides the busy walkway towards Hentian Puduraya.

Truth be told.
The song remains my favorite.
I rarely sing it but the song keep playing in mind.


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Screen Age

Online class is so tiring.
I just can't imagine how parents with many children handle the routine.

Stone Age.
Dark Age.
Industrial Revolution Age.

Now we are embracing for screen age.

Semoga urusan kita dipermudahkan.

Monday, January 25, 2021


Dunia berubah.
Bilangan likes, retweet sentiasa dikejar.

Saat tak capai sasaran.
Kita kecewa.

Adakala kita melanggar batas.
Hanya kerana nak kejar likes.

Sang isteri hilang rasa hormat.
Sang suami pula tidak lagi menjadi pelindung sepatutnya.

Sedar-sedar sahaja.
Pekung sudah terbuka luas.

Carilah perhatian di tempat sewajarnya.

Jiwa kita umpama bekas berisi yang kosong atau belum penuh.
Kita pilih bahan dan cara untuk diisi.

Kita kejar perhatian mata-mata jahat.
Maka itulah hasilnya kelak.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Hub Mall

Dalam post yang terdahulu.
Disebut tentang Hub Mall.

Mungkin dah disebut beberapa kali dalam post-post yang lama.
Hub Mall ini merupakan tempat tinggal saya dari tahun 2008-2011 (lebih kurang 3 tahun)

Unit ini didiami oleh 4 orang.

Saya, Pakman, Ali dan Miyn.


Saturday, January 23, 2021

Self Reminder

posting it here.

so that I can may reflect on this later.

Friday, January 22, 2021


Hari ini kecoh sikit.
Isu aplikasi W.
Disuruhnya berpindah ke aplikasi B.
Hanya bersandarkan poster dari seberang.

Benar isu privasi adalah penting.
Tetapi percayakah kamu yang media sosial itu sendiri bukan medan privasi.

Saya percaya dengan 2 perkara
i) Jika sesuatu produk itu percuma maka kita adalah produknya. Bunyi tidak adil? Ada ke konsep percuma? Gaji tak perlu dibayar? Server percuma? Cyber security percuma

ii) Benda yang diletakkan di social media bukan privasi mutlak kita. Jika hendak privasi mutlak maka hiduplah secara off grid. Kita ada pilihan.

Maka berbalik kepada isu asal. Aplikasi W telah menjelaskan semula privasi pengguna tidak akan dikompromi pun. Ramai juga pilih untuk percaya. Pilihan masing masing

Aplikasi B pula tiada sebarang penjelasan tentang privasi. Disemak dasar privacy juga tiada sebarang panduan. Tetapi orang percaya aplikasi B selamat.

Katakanlah satu hari nanti B pula ubah privacy maka pada waktu itu kita akan melompat kembali.

Pokok pangkalnya kita sebagai manusia yang kena berubah.

Jika hal kerja yang kononnya sulit. Maka jangan campur adukkan kerja dengan aplikasi sosial. Wujudkan la secure database bagi tujuan itu. Kita yang salah tapi kita salahkan orang.

Jika hal peribadi dan sulit. Perlukah dikongsi? Gambar sulit? Gambar tersulit? Maklumat bank? Kalau sulit mengapa tulis atau simpan di situ? Pilihan kan?

Thursday, January 21, 2021


Zaman di 3A-9001 Hub Mall.
Selalu kedengaran sayup sayup lagu.

"Relaku menunggumu seribu tahun lama lagi.........  "
Pakman yang merupakan teman serumah gemar mendengar lagu ini.

Rumah itu cuma ada 4 penghuni. 
Masing-masing ada bilik sendiri.
Cuma pembahagi antara bilik dibuat dari kayu dan lapisan penebat haba.
Jadinya bunyi boleh dengar tapi agak sayup.

Pakman jatuh hati dengan lagu seribu tahun tatkala menonton drama "Kerana Cintaku Saerah"

Secara tak langsung apabila Pakman mendendangkan lagu di Youtube.
Bibir saya juga mulut bergerak mengikut bait lirik.

oh ya. Jibek adalah watak utama drama ini lakonan Benjy.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Pursuit of Happyness

Cerita ini mengajar yang manusia yang boleh diharap adalah diri sendiri.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021



It is the 16th donation.

However, midvalley looks creepy.
Walking in a empty street.

People are staying at home due to MCO.
May Allah protect us

Monday, January 18, 2021


Do you ever feel unwanted?
A feeling that people can't stand looking at your face.
A guilt feeling is always upon you.

Do you ever feel like an object?
What do you do?
How do you do?

Sunday, January 17, 2021

A legend

I never post anything about my superior.
He is a legendary.

I learnt a lot from this guy.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Old Guards

I received this message from my boss.
He is leaving to embark on a new journey.

I'm posting it here as a reminder for my future self.

Time to pass the baton!!!

I started Karangkraf 43 years ago. Grew it from strength to strength till 2013. At the height our annual sales turnover was almost half billion ringgit. We were very profitable. Staff strength was almost 1500 strong. 2013 came digital disruption. We were badly hit. Behaviour & lifestyle changed drastically. Sales dived. We were running big losses. Luckily our gearing very low & we had big war chest, accumulated undistributed past years profit to sustain. Brought in corporate pros to turn around, not much success. 2020 allowed the 2nd gen siblings to LEAD. Gave them free hand to run. They are young, but experienced. They understand the pulse of the market better. They transformed. They did things differently. They made the products & way of selling  relevant. The NOW way with Not much interference from the founders & seniors, except wisdom & values & virtues. They did great, sales spiked, market share expanded, we are back in the black, good black! Alhamdulillah.
My reason for sharing is not to brag or 'riak'. But as a general call to all otais, seniors in politics, govt &corporate bodies, persatuans & etc. its time for most of us to let go. Stop glorifying our past success. Stop thinking that we are the best, our way is the only way & no one else can do better than us. Time has changed. Things has changed. Thinking has changed, priority also changed. Even the food people consumed also changed!!
Just give the new generation chance to lead the organisation, party or even the govt. We had had our time. Stop clinging or try to cling or trying to regain lead. Prepare the ladder for them to go up. Hold their hand, guide them & watch them from the back as they climb. Be sincerely Ready to assist if they fumble. Its their time. You wouldnt know their capabalities unless you give them the chance. 
Thus PLEASE STEP BACK, and ALLOW them to pass. Give them the baton. 
Its THEIR time. Let them shape THEIR future. 
We owe this to ThEM. 
Just Let go. 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Tanah Putih

I miss this white thing.
So long.
May Allah grants me more chances.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Falling Off

A tragedy had occured yesterday.
The neighborhood was shocked by the news
One soul had lost his life.

I don't know him personally.
I don't know the cause too.

Dear peeps,

If you are tired,
Take a rest,
Don't ever quit.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Kereta lama

Usia menjengah 10 tahun.
Pelbagai ragam mula timbul.

Friday, January 1, 2021

New Day

Happy New Year.

It has been almost 10 years since I had graduated from UoA.

Time flies so fast.

I'm no longer know any new Malaysian student coming to UoA.